Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Psalm 63:7 - Success

Because you are my help,
     I sing in the shadow of your wings.

The picture below is of my husband and I on Texas Flip and Move. For a year I have been chasing a crazy dream to be an actress. I haven't had my "big break" yet, but things are moving along pretty well. This verse made me think of two things. First, no matter what happens, I only want what is in God's will.  I will only succeed in acting as a career if it is what God wants for me, with his help and in the shadow of his wings. Second, I thought about the support my husband has given me. We have been on set together as extras and he has come to volunteer for and watch live performances. Thank you John!

Lord, thank you for allowing us to "sing". Please help us to remember, success within your will comes from your help, in the shadow of your wings. Amen.

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