Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Psalm 109:31 - Standing at the right hand of the needy

For he stands at the right hand of the needy,
     to save their lives from those who would condemn them.

Psalm 109 is a plea for help in the face of an enemy who has slandered David, the author. This last verse of thanks to God reminds me of a project my brother and his family are working on. If God is concerned about the needy and works to protect them, then we should do this also. About two years ago a need was recognized by a friend and fellow Christian. This friend went to a laundry mat in their town and was frustrated to see how run down it was. Most of the machines didn't work and often took money from the patrons. That experience started a chain of events ending in the construction of  a top of the line laundry facility to serve this particular neighborhood. Wash This Way seeks to provide a place to do laundry in a safe, dignified and respectful environment. Thanks Mike Reppart and family for standing at the right hand of the needy.

Lord, thank you for showing us needs in our community. Please help us to fill those needs. Amen.

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