Friday, October 13, 2017

2 Samuel 16:11 - God's tool

David then said to Abishai and all his officials, “My son, my own flesh and blood, is trying to kill me. How much more, then, this Benjamite! Leave him alone; let him curse, for the Lord has told him to.

David is fleeing his city from his son and his men. A man along the way throws rocks at David and his men and yells curses at him. His men want to kill the man, but David has a deep insight into the ways of the Lord God. He understands that the Lord's ways are not our ways. David generally does not do things unless he feels directed by the Lord. He understands that within God's plans and purposes, one day he may be King, the next a pauper. He is merely God's tool. He will not fight for his position unless it is God's will.

Lord, thank you for guiding us and having a plan for us. Please help us to be sensitive to your will and understand what you are guiding us to do. Amen.

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