Thursday, October 19, 2017

2 Samuel 19:6 - A leader who listened

You love those who hate you and hate those who love you. You have made it clear today that the commanders and their men mean nothing to you. I see that you would be pleased if Absalom were alive today and all of us were dead.

David was not perfect. David knew it and his trusted advisors knew it. Joab, the leader of David's army, was willing to tell him the truth and David would listen. King David's son, Absalom, had been trying to overthrow his father. They went to battle and his son was killed. Even though his son acted as his enemy he still loved his son and was devastated when he was killed. This was unfair to his armies who had just put their lives at risk for David to defeat his son. Joab pointed this out to David and he listened.

Lord, thank you for giving us people who are willing to tell us when we need to make a correction in our lives. Please help us to listen to these people and help us to be the advisor when needed. Amen

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