Sunday, June 7, 2015

Zephaniah 3:20

At that time I will gather you;
   at that time I will bring you home.
I will give you honor and praise
   amongst all the peoples of the earth
when I restore your fortunes
   before your very eyes,"
                                            says the Lord.

This is a Sunday morning. I don't normally do my Bible study and blog on a Sunday morning, but for some reason I had lots of extra time this morning, so I guess that God had something to tell me. There were only three verses left in the book I was studying, Zephaniah. And this is the last verse have that book.

This morning I was thinking about money. Financially, we are doing so much better than we have in the past, but there are so many people who have so much more than us. Sometimes I wonder why God has not blessed us with more. Then I read a verse like this and realize that true honor, praise and fortunes do not lie on the earth, they live with God in heaven. As long as I am assured of this inheritance, it doesn't matter how much or little I have on this earth.

Lord, thank you for your asurance of heaven. Lord, please give me the strength, energy and desire to work for the money we need. Help me to be content with what we have. Amen.

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