Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Psalm 69:5 - My sin

You, God, know my folly;
     my guilt is not hidden from you.

We all have our sins, our addictions, our temptations, our follies. As I have discussed before, I have food issues. In the past I have been hesitant to call this sin, but I think it may be time to call it what it is: sin. Why is it so hard to resist? Why can't I just say no to the donuts in the break room or what ever is available? Why do I feel cheated if I go out to a restaurant and order a healthy meal? Why can't I stop after eating a reasonable sized portion of food? Well, God knows my folly. He sees my guilt and thankfully, offers forgiveness.

Lord, thank you for knowing us, loving us, and forgiving us. Please help us to stop sinning. Amen.

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