Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Psalm 77:12 - When in doubt...

I will consider all your works
     and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

Psalm 77 begins with doubt. David can't sleep and is in distress. He asks God if he has left. But the remedy to this is to meditate on God's miracles and mighty works. David thinks about the ways in which God has saved his people in the past. We can do the same thing. If we are worried or doubtful, think about the ways he has helped you in the past. Remember a time when he performed a miracle in your life. If you don't have this kind of history with God, find someone who does and allow their faith to teach you and lead you to Christ.

Lord, thank you for giving us a solution for doubt. Help us to meditate on your mighty deeds. Amen.

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