Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Psalm 71:20 - Choosing peace in the chaos

Though you have made me see troubles,
     many and bitter,
     you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
     you will again bring me up.

This weekend I went to a Ladies Day with the theme of "Choosing Peace in the Chaos." I really needed this last night when dealing with home restoration issues. I allowed myself to get so down and depressed, until I realized, I have a choice of how I react to this. I have been working on seeing the blessing within every problem. The fact that I am having problems with our home restoration means I have a house. If I am complaining about my job, I need to remember what a blessing it is to have a job. When I am complaining about the struggles I have overeating, remember I am not struggling to get enough to eat. We will have troubles, but God restores us.

Lord, thank you for restoration. Please help us to choose peace in the chaos. Amen.

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