Sunday, December 25, 2016

Luke 2:11 - Merry Christmas and remember those who have to work today

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

Merry Christmas to everyone!! I hope you have a wonderful day of celebration. Remember all of those who have to work on this holiday: health care workers, civil servants (police and fire), military personnel, hospitality (restaurants, hotels, entertainment) workers, retail workers, preachers (this year especially since Christmas is on Sunday) and any body else who has to work on the holiday.  I have worked every Christmas day for the last 6 years. For me Christmas has become a day of service in addition to a day of celebration.

Lord, thank you for special days, especially Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Please bless everyone, especially those who have to work today. Amen.

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