Friday, December 23, 2016

Psalm 106:13 - God's timing

But they soon forgot what he had done
     and did not wait for his plan to unfold.

Psalm 106 tells of the repeated forgetfulness of the Israelites. So many times God's people disobeyed him and broke their covenant with him. They repeated the cycle over and over of disobedience, struggle, and returning to God. We also quickly forget what God has done for us: how he has made a plan for the forgiveness of our sins, helped us and comforted us. Then we get impatient and forgetful and rebel again. God's plan is not something we always see. We have to focus on God regardless of our circumstances and wait on his timing.

Lord, thank you for your plan. Please help us to be patient and fully reliant on you. Amen.

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