Thursday, December 22, 2016

Psalm 105:25 - Hate...for a purpose?

whose hearts he turned to hate his people,
     to conspire against his servants.

Psalm 105 is a brief history of the Jewish people from Joseph to Moses and the exodus from Egypt. Verse 25 explains that God turned the hearts of the Egyptians against his people. It is frustrating when someone doesn't like us. It may not be as extreme as and entire nation hating another, but either way it can make our lives miserable. We may question ourselves and allow it to destroy our lives. But we never know what God's plans are. In the case of the Israelites, God was actually causing the hate. It was a part of his plan to get his people out of Egypt. God can use any negative in our lives for good. Sometimes we see the final result and it all makes sense. Sometimes we don't, but the thing to remember is our job is to focus on God and glorifying his name.

Lord, thank you for your plan in our lives. Please help us to be patient and focus on you when life is difficult. Amen.

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