Wednesday, September 20, 2017

2 Samuel 6:5 - Pray, then plan

David and all Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with castanets, harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums and cymbals.

David has a great plan. He wants to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem and make it a huge celebration for all the people. Everything starts out well, then Uzziah touched the ark and is instantly killed. David was doing all this for the Lord. Why did God bring this celebration to a halt? Why didn't God overlook this mistake?

A few weeks ago I heard a sermon by Paul Cartwright about Uzziah.. (This is the sermon where we were challenged to read 2 Samuel.) In this lesson, Paul talked about how there were several things wrong here, mostly, David did not make sure the Ark was being moved as God specifically required it to be moved. It should not have been on an cart, but carried by poles. David was usually so good at praying to God before doing things like going to battle, but in this case, maybe he planned this big celebration to move the Ark without going to God first.

Lord, than you for being clear with us about what you want from our lives. Please help us to always go to you before making plans. Amen.

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