Monday, September 24, 2018

Judges 1:1 - Ask The Lord

After the death of Joshsua, the Israelites asked the Lord, "Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?" Judges 1:1

In a class on the Judges, it was pointed out that this is the ony time in this book where the Israelites asked for the guidance of the Lord. Judah is the answer, but Judah asks another tribe to go into battle with them, so even this is not fully followed. How often do we ask for the guidance of God? I often praise him, thank him, and make requests, but rarely do I ask for specific guidance. Which should I do first? When should I do this? Who can help me with this? I think God will find a way to communicate to us if we ask for ears to hear and eyes to see his answer.

Lord, Thank you for allowing us to come to you for guidance. Please help us to think first of asking you when we are making decisions. Amen

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