Monday, September 17, 2018

Matthew 14:31-Why did you doubt?

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31

Sometimes we step out in faith, but then we doubt. Why? In Peter's case in the passage above, he sees the wind. What sort of wind disrupts our faithwalk? Maybe we commit to teaching a bible class, but we find ourselves uninspired. Maybe we are trying to stop an addictive behavior, but as quickly as we say we won't do it, we do. Maybe we strike out on a new career path we feel called to, but it's not what we dreamed it would be. If we think about what can make us doubt ahead of time, maybe we can build our faith to help prevent sinking into the waves. We can keep our head up, eyes on Jesus, and step boldly. 

Lord, Thank you for allowing us to step out in faith. Please help us to prepare for the wind and remain faithful. Amen.

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