Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Psalm 94:9

Does He who implanted the ear not hear? Does He who formed the eye not see?

I was grading another World Bible School lesson this morning and this scripture struck me. The lesson was speaking about how God speaks to us through the prophets. Logically this verse implies if God formed the mouth does he not speak. Personally, I believe God speaks to me every day, but not just randomly. He speaks to me when I have asked him to speak to me. Before a Bible study session I always pray for God to speak to me, to show me what he wants me to learn in this lesson. I also believe he uses friends, movies, sermons, whatever to get our attention. If I see something 3 times then I usually think , "Ok God, are you trying to tell me something here?"

Lord, help me to listen for your voice. Amen.

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