Saturday, September 19, 2015

Genesis 26:22 - Giving up and moving on

He moved on from there and dug another well, and no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, (means room) saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.”

Abraham's son, Isaac goes back to Abimelek and the land of the Philistines at God's command. Abraham became very wealthy here, and so did Isaac. The Philistines became jealous and Abimelek asked him to move away from them. He did, but apparently they didn't think it was far enough, because twice Isaac had wells dug which the local herders quarreled over and claimed as their wells. Finally, the verse above speaks of the third well.

When we hit road blocks or walls, what do we do? How do we react? Do we keep hitting the wall insisting this is the right path? Do we move on and look for a more clear way? Sometimes the blessings come from giving up.

Lord, thank you for your guidance in our lives. Help us to know when it is time to give up on something and move on. Amen.

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