Sunday, November 27, 2016

Matthew 26:36-42 - Bible Study Challenge Day 1

This morning at church, our minister issued us a challenge: A Seven Day Family Bible Study. I study most mornings and post here on my blog, so this week my blog will serve to answer this challenge.
Each day, my husband John and I will read the verses and answer the questions listed in the study. I challenge you to read along with us and answer the questions for yourself before reading our thoughts. Day one is below.

Question 1 - Why was Jesus sorrowful?
Jesus knew what was about to happen. He knew the pain and agony he was going to feel, physically and spiritually. He knew what he was going to have to deal with, yet he was willing to do God's will.

Question 2 - How does Jesus teach obedience in this passage?
He is willing to do what God requires, even if he doesn't want to. He wants to follows God's will not his. He prays for a way to change the situation, but is accepting of God's plan.

Question 3 - When was a time you prayed to God like Jesus does here?
We both thought of times when we were praying for children. Parents love their children and want good things for them, but sometimes we have to allow God to work in their lives, which may may be hard for them and difficult for us to watch.

Lord, thank you for showing us such an example of obedience from your son. Please help us to always accept your will. Amen.

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