Friday, November 25, 2016

Psalm 94:19 - Anxiety

When anxiety was great within me,
     your consolation brought me joy.

I learned something the other day I need to share to correct some of my earlier blog posts. David did not write all the psalms. Some of the psalms say "Of David," some say others, some don't give an author. So...I just thought I needed to clear that up.

Psalm 94 focuses on the cries of an oppressed people. Today, my life is so easy and I have never lived as an oppressed person, but I can imagine how much comfort the Jews in concentration camps in WWII took from these passages. I have nothing like the anxiety I know they must have felt, but if God can bring consolation to anxiety on that level, then he can surely ease my anxiety and bring me joy.

Lord, thank you for consoling us in our anxiety. Please help us to rely on you with the anxieties in our life. Amen.

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