Tuesday, April 25, 2017

John 16:23b-24 - Specific communication in Jesus name

Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

When we are communicating with God and we have needs for ourselves and others, there are some guidelines we are given. First we need to be specific in our prayers. The other day our preacher saw Bubba and asked, “What’s wrong, Bubba?” Bubba said, “I need you to pray for my hearing.”  The preacher put his hands on Bubba’s ears and prayed. When he was done, he asked, “So how’s your hearing?”  “I don’t know,” said Bubba. “It isn’t until next Tuesday.”

Well, I guess the idea here is that we need to carefully communicate our needs to the Lord. When we do, we can more clearly see what his answer is. As this scripture states, we must ask in the name of Jesus Christ. According to John 14:13, when we do this, God is glorified.

Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to come to you with requests. Please help us to ask in Jesus name so that you may be glorified, Amen.

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