Tuesday, July 18, 2017

1 Corinthians 12:5 - Spiritual Gifts

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.

This passage is referring to spiritual gifts or talents. I am not convinced that today these talents are received miraculously as they were in the first century, but almost all of the gifts listed are talents which can be studied and learned (healing, languages, etc). People who move into these fields often have a natural ability which leads them in this direction. I think this is just as much a gift as it was in the first century and has the same purpose of the common good (v.7). So, whatever you are good at, whatever you have studied and mastered, it is a gift from the Lord. Use your gift to serve him!

Lord, thank you for giving us gifts and opportunities to serve. Please help us to use our gifts to your glory and for the common good. Amen.

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