Wednesday, July 19, 2017

1 Corinthians 12:22 - Weaker vs. stronger parts of the body

On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,

The other day I watched a movie/documentary about a group on the "Camino de Santiago" which is a pilgrimage/walk through Spain ending at the possible site of the grave of James the Apostle. The scene from this movie which is stuck in my head is when the group realizes they all have to start walking together. Up to this point, the stronger people would just walk on at their comfortable pace and leave the weaker walkers behind. When they all started walking together, they realized it made them all stronger. It was easier for the struggling walkers to keep up and a harder for the stronger walkers to slow their pace and help their weaker brothers. The work evened out. This stronger realized they needed the weaker to make this walk more meaningful.

Lord, thank you for making each of us an important part of your body. Please help us to respect others in your body work together. Amen.

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