Monday, July 3, 2017

1 Corinthians 8:9 - Freedom vs. responsibility

Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.

We are free in Christ. A person who has been a Christian for a long time had gained knowledge about those freedoms, but a new Christian may have not. This passage is about meat sacrificed to idols. Because there really are no other Gods, a Christian may understand that there is no harm in eating that meat, but a new Christian, especially one who was influenced by the idol or god the meat was sacrificed to, would feel like eating that meat was a sin. So, the long time Christian should not eat this meat when they are with the new Christian. I think drinking alcohol may fall into this category. Can you think of other freedoms we may need to give up for the sake of a weaker brother?

Lord, thank you for our freedoms in Christ. Please help us to limit ourselves in those freedoms if it will cause someone else to stumble, Amen,

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