Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Poems - Transitions

The concept of transitions seems to be a reoccurring theme to my life right now. We have been studying this in the Sunday morning class I attend. In my Bible study, I just finished up Genesis, specifically the life of Joseph which is full of transitions. At work we have written a couple poems with the residents about Fall, but these poems have gone beyond the changes in nature and looked at the transitions in our lives. I would like to share these poems with you. 

Rainy November Day

There is a day that I remember,
Falling leaves in November.

My clothes are warm, the air is cool,
Working in the yard, a rake my tool.

Leaves falling from the heavenly sky,
Now it's raining, my oh, my.

Change of season, rain washes green away,
Wet leaves are here to stay.

Rain from above, the sky is grey,
A frustrating change in my plans today.

I'll go inside by hook or crook,
May as well balance my checkbook.

Should I read? Should I knit?
Should I throw a hissy fit?

The memory of summer calls my name,
Will I ever get that fall yard tame?

All of the facts, I find them taxing,
I must make a change and start relaxing.

A warm fireplace and my favorite clothes,
I now settle down as the memory flows.

Memory of the beautiful warm weather transitioning to fall,
And of the beauty of winter.  Oh, how I appreciate them all.


When we think about Fall, we think leaves and pumpkins cute,
We think of orange and red and yellow to boot.

Orange is the color of love expressed.
Try it, put it to the test.

When we think about leaves and the raking, raking it takes.
Our backs are bent. Oh, how they ache.

It's a mixed bag of tricks,
Plants and trees are now sticks.

The whole transition of the trees,
The gorgeous colors of the leaves.

Also, transitions occur inside.
Time to let the mind decide.

Transitions occur while we sleep,
So wait till morning to make a peep.

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