Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Romans 1:12 - Mutually encouraged

...that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.

It is so important to be around other Christians. In this verse, Paul longs to see the Romans so they can be mutually encouraged. So did Paul also need encouragement? This great man of God needed other Christians? He said he did. It is easy to live in a vacuum. We go to work, but don't really make any relationships there. We come home, and spend the evening watching TV, on the computer or maybe following through on a commitment doing something we would really rather not be doing. We go to sleep then do it all again. On the weekend we may go to church, but we just go and leave. It's easy to live in our own little bubble and not even realize we are doing it. We need to look for other Christians and talk to them about their faith walk. We will be mutually encouraged!

Lord, thank you for giving us our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please help us to utilize our spiritual family, to get to know them and be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. Amen.

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