Monday, November 2, 2015

Jonah 1;2 - The opposite of Jesus

“Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”

We have been studying Jonah in our Webb Chapel small groups on Sunday night. It occurred to me the story of Jonah is almost the opposite of the story of Jesus coming to the Earth. In the verse above God sends Jonah like God sent Jesus. After that...

  • Jonah says no. Jesus says yes.
  • Jonah is the reason for the storm. Jesus calms the storm.
  • Jonah's sailors didn't want to take his life. Jesus soldiers were happy to take his life.
  • Jonah is thrown overboard, repents, and is saved by the big fish, where he stays for three days and three nights. Jesus is crucified, takes on our sins and saves us by being in the tomb three days and three nights.
  • Jonah is vomited, Jesus is raised.
  • Jonah finally obeys. Jesus always obeys.
  • Jonah is angry at the people's repentance. Jesus rejoices in our repentance.
Lord, thank you for giving us examples like Jonah. Sometimes we do everything we can to run away from you, but you run after us. Please make us more like your son, Jesus. Amen.

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