Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Poem About Spring

Spring skies, sunny or grey.
Time to put the blankets away.

The kids are taking tests
While mom is spring cleaning the mess.

Warm weather brings us outside without a coat,
To see the plants come up and the butterflies float.

Gardens and flowers are all in bloom,
There's a soft green carpet to the outside room.

Young animals are everywhere,
Insects and pollen are in the air.

Dad is cooking outside on the grill,
Mom's getting things ready, so you be still.

Now that the weather is fine,
The kids all know it's baseball time.

Time to go outside and play,
Vacations, the beach and fishing all day.

-Written by the residents of Silverado Valley Ranch

Lord, thank you for spring and the renewal it brings. Please help us to appreciate the beautiful earth you have created. Amen.

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