Friday, July 8, 2016

Psalm 22:14 - Tragedy

I am poured out like water,
     and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart has turned to wax;
     it has melted within me.

Tragedy. That is what happened in Dallas last night. I just want to pray today.

Most Holy, Holy Lord, God Almighty,
Father in heaven, we praise your name.
Please forgive us of our sins.
Please forgive any prejudices we have.
Please forgive any officer who has used excessive force.
Please forgive the shooter or shooters.
Thank you for your comfort and protection during this time of tragedy.
Thank you for police officers who put themselves in danger every day.
Thank you for the freedom we have to publicly demonstrate our beliefs.
In Jesus name, I come to your Lord asking that you heal those who were injured.
Please comfort and protect the families of those injured or who were killed.
Please help us to rid ourselves of prejudice.
Please help us to love everyone, just as you do.
Please use this tragedy for good to bring people closer to you.

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