Thursday, July 28, 2016

Psalm 32:5 - Acknowledging sin

Then I acknowledged my sin to you
     and did not cover up my iniquity.
 I said, “I will confess
     my transgressions to the Lord.”
 And you forgave
     the guilt of my sin.
Acknowledging our sin is the first step toward forgiveness. We don't always see our sin. Sometimes it is just a habit or a way we have always conducted ourselves. It doesn't occur to us that it is wrong. I think we can be forgiven even if we don't know or acknowledge each sin, but if we pray to God to show us our sin, he will. Then we can know the areas we need to correct.

Lord, thank you for loving us and forgiving us. Please help us to see our sin and acknowledge it to you. Amen.

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