Saturday, July 16, 2016

Psalm 25:17 - Help

Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.

God knows what is troubling us. He knows what our current struggles are. He hears us when we cry to him. And he can do something about it. Yesterday I was speaking with a friend and we talked about the sword of the Spirit, which is the Bible, and how it is our weapon against our struggles and temptations, By studying the Word, we are strengthening our weapon. We have to carefully wield this weapon and sometimes the Words will be for us to keep to ourselves and sometimes they will be Words to share. Either way his Words are there for us with the Holy Spirit as an interpreter and guide.

Lord, thank you for hearing us and helping us. Please help us to keep your word close to our heart so you can use it to relieve the troubles of our hearts and free us from anguish. Amen.

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