Monday, July 25, 2016

Psalm 29:4 - Hearing the voice of the Lord

The voice of the Lord is powerful;
     the voice of the Lord is majestic.

Do you have trouble hearing the voice of the Lord? How is that possible when it is so powerful and majestic? But it can be hard to hear God amidst all the other noise in our lives. God's volume is sufficient, but we may have to eliminate other noises or "tune in" to him. Here are some tips:

  1. In Jesus name, ask to hear his voice, then listen. Really. Ok, it may not be an audible voice, but you will hear him speak into your heart and mind.
  2. If you feel like you are hard of hearing, in Jesus name, ask him to repeat it three times. You may get messages from friends, sermons, the radio, TV, movies or social media, but if you hear something three times and it strikes a chord in your heart, pay attention. 
  3. This kind of goes back to number one, but in Jesus name, ask God to show you what he wants you to hear, then read the Bible. Any where will do. Seriously. God will use that passage to speak to you.
  4. Have you noticed the phrase "in Jesus name" attached to each request of God. This comes from John 16:23b-24. Asking in Jesus name is powerful!
Lord, thank you for your powerful, majestic voice. In Jesus name, please help us to hear you. Amen.

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