Friday, March 10, 2017

Psalm 119:160 - Words for the word

All your words are true;
     all your righteous laws are eternal.

Yesterday in my blog post I used several words all basically meaning the same thing: the Bible. In this Psalm 119 section all of these words are synonymous: law, promise, decrees, statutes, word, precepts. If you are familiar with the Bible you probably know this, but the old testament has the law (Genesis-Deuteronomy) given by God to the Israelites (Jews). The Psalms are referring to this law. When Christ came to the earth and died on the cross, he fulfilled the law. That is why most Christians no longer follow the Jewish Laws. The new testament books were all written after Christ's death. Both the old and new testaments are God's word and all these words above describe both.

Lord, As we have said so many times, thank you for your word. Please help us to study it and love it more and more every day. Amen,

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