Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Psalm 122:1 - Jerusalem

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
     “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

This Psalm is all about Jerusalem, I've talked a lot about the difference between the old and new testaments, which is basically the difference between Judaism and Christianity.  For the Jews, Jerusalem was a holy city. That is where the temple was built and was the only true place of worship. Later synagogues came about which were a local place of worship. Many things in Judaism are foreshadowing of things to come. As Christians, we do not have a holy city on earth. Our Jerusalem is heaven. This is the city we long to go to, the house of the Lord.

Lord, thank you for your holy city. Please let us long to be with you in heaven and sing of it's glory. Amen.

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