Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ruth 4:15a - New Life 4

He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.

Even as we get older, God has a plan for us. We may feel like it is the time of life to slow down and take it easy due to setbacks like the death of a spouse or health issues, but God can give us renewal even at this time of our lives. There are things we are uniquely suited for. God will use us if we let him,

There may be somethings we can not do, or things we may have to learn, A woman called an airline customer-service desk asking if she could take her old dog on board.  “Sure,” the representative said, “as long as you provide your own kennel.” They further explained that the kennel needed to be large enough for the dog to stand up, sit down, turn around, and roll over.  The customer was flummoxed: “I’ll never be able to teach him all of that by tomorrow!”

Lord, thank you for renewing and sustaining us even in our old age. Please help us to allow you to use us in all phases of our life. Amen.

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