Monday, March 20, 2017

Psalm 121:7 - Safety

The Lord will keep you from all harm—
     he will watch over your life;

We all want to feel safe. Yesterday I was out for a walk and three little girls were out running around, following a puppy. The puppy had on a new harness, so it appeared this was a new member of their family. The little girls were trying to pick up the puppy but when they did the puppy would just squeal and try to escape their grasp. The puppy came running toward me and I bent down and scooped it up. I held it firmly and the puppy was quiet. I told the little girls, "Hold the puppy under her belly, next to your body so she feels safe." That is what we all want, we want to feel safe. As much as we want freedom, we also long for safety and security. When we give our lives to God, along with salvation and so much more, we also receive safety and security.

Lord, thank you for safety and security. Please help us to rest in your arms. Amen.

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