Monday, March 13, 2017

Psalm 119:164 - Prayer times

Seven times a day I praise you
     for your righteous laws.

How many times a day do you pray? I am only certain of one, in the morning before I do my study. I offer random prayers through out the day, but nothing structured so that I would know exactly how many times I prayed. One thing I like about the Muslim faith are the specified prayer times, This entire group of people stop what they are doing an pray at least five times a day. Maybe we can find regularly occurring things which happen throughout the day to remind us to pray. Meals are always a good time to pray. Or we could set an alarm on our phone to remind us to pray at certain times of the day. No matter how we do it, the more time communicating with God, the better.

Lord, thank you for the gift of prayer. Please help us to spend several times a day praising you and communicating with you. Amen.

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