Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Psalm 144:2a - Stronghold

He is my loving God and my fortress,
     my stronghold and my deliverer,

In the past few years the word stronghold has come to mean something negative to me. It is a thing which has dug into my life and I struggle to release it. This passage calls God our stronghold. Here is a definition of stronghold from the Mirriam-Webster online dictionary:

Definition of stronghold

  1. 1:  a fortified place
  2. 2a :  a place of security or survivalone of the last strongholds of the ancient Gaelic language — George Holmesb :  a place dominated by a particular group or marked by a particular characteristic a Republican strongholdstrongholds of snobbery — Lionel Trilling
I guess a stronghold itself is not a good or bad thing. Where is our stronghold? In God or in things of the world?

Lord, thank you for being our true stronghold. Help me to reject other strongholds and find my security, fortification and survival only in you. Amen. 

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