Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Psalm 145-150 - Praisefest

I am closing in on the end of the Psalms.When I started this book last year, I thought I would be done in November of 2016. Ha! I was not prepared for the longer books which held too much good to skip through in a day, especially Psalm 119 which took 22 log entries. This morning as I read Psalm 145, it was all beautiful praise. I thought I might just copy the whole chapter down. Then I glanced at the next couple of psalms and realized I was going to have this problem through the end of the book because they are all beautiful psalms of praise. If I am ever having trouble coming up with new words of praise, I know where to look!

Lord, thank you for the Psalms. Thank you preserving these beautiful words generation after generation. Please help us to use these words to bring you even more praise. Amen.

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