Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Joshua 2:1a

So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.

Okay, so why in the world would they go into the house of a prostitute? Maybe that was a house where anyone would be welcome. Her family also live there so maybe it's not exactly a brothel. Maybe she had done things like this before, where she would hide people and help them escape the city, maybe even help them enter the city after the gates have been locked. You have to just see God here. God prepared this woman. He used her life and her skills for His purposes and then in the end she was not only saved she is named the lineage of Christ.

Lord,  I know you can use anyone or anything for your glory. Rahab was open to being used by you. Lord,  please make me open to being used by you. I want to do your will and bring you glory. Amen.

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