Saturday, October 31, 2015

Genesis 50:20 - Transitions

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

God is bigger than us. He can use anything, even mistakes and sin to his purpose. I don't suppose it was God's plan for Joseph to be sold into slavery, but he was able to use this to propel Joseph to Egypt and eventually to Pharaoh. In a Bible class I attend, we have talked about Joseph and his life transitions. How would we have reacted? I expect most of us would have dealt with these transitions kicking an screaming, at the very least we would have assumed God had left us. Transitions are a part of our lives. In the end, we may be able to see the path God intended. Until we are given this clarity, our job is just to trust God and continue to be obedient to him.

Lord, thank you for always being with us. Thank you for using us to your purpose. Please help us to trust you and remain obedient no matter what. Amen.

PS - This verse is similar to one I have already blogged about Genesis 45:5 - Righting a wrong.

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