Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Genesis 37:29,34 - Tearing clothes

When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes.

Then Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and mourned for his son many days.

Ok, so what is the deal with all this clothes tearing? I did a search of tearing clothes in mourning and found that because of this and other examples, it becomes part of Jewish tradition and law.

"The ancient practice of tearing clothes (called kriah) is a tangible expression of grief and anger in the face of death."

"This has a dual symbolism. We are recognizing the loss, that our hearts are torn. But ultimately, the body is also only a garment that the soul wears. Death is when we strip off one uniform and take on another. The garment may be torn, but the essence of the person within it is still intact."

Interesting Jewish fact of the day. :)

Lord, thank you for allowing us to grieve when loved ones pass away. It is hard for us to have them taken away, but if they are a follower of  you, God, we know that they are bound for a home with you in heaven. Amen. 

Quotes taken from:

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