Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hebrews 10:24 - Spurred on!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds

Today I attended a ladies day at Webb Chapel Church of Christ. The theme was "Team Sisterhood." The speaker was Amy Bacon. Amy challenged us to find and use our gifts, work together in love by knowing each other, and to not fear new ideas. I especially liked the idea of spurring each other on in the verse above. This is not gentle encouragement. When you jab a horse in the flanks with metal points it is not gently encouraged! Today I was spurred on to "find a hole and minister to the ones that are missed". Where is there an open position? What group is being missed? How can I help? 

Lord, please help me to find my gifts, know and love my sisters, and be willing to try something new. Use me to reach those we are not reaching. Amen.

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