Thursday, October 29, 2015

Genesis 48:21 - GOD is in contol

Then Israel said to Joseph, “I am about to die, but God will be with you and take you back to the land of your fathers.

Yes, God was with Joseph and the people of Israel (the you here is plural, more like "y'all") and they eventually make it back to Canaan, but I'm sure Israel (Jacob) never could have imagined what would happen and how long it would take. None of them expected to be in Egypt for over 400 years or for their descendants to become slaves. God's time is almost never our time. Discouragement comes easy when things don't happen the way we think they will. This story is evidence of God's faithfulness. Even when all seems lost, God is still in control.

Lord, thank you for being faithful and never leaving us, even when things are not happening the way we want them to happen. Please help us to be patient and remain faithful to you always. Amen.

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