Monday, October 12, 2015

Genesis 41:16 - I can't, but God can

“I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”

Pharaoh asked Joseph if he could interpret his dream. This was the perfect answer. Joseph was humble enough to know that he was not the source of the interpretation. Do you think that maybe he tried to interpret some dreams and realized he couldn't do it on his own? We make that mistake all the time. We try to do things and get through difficult times without God. Once we realize and accept I can't but God can, God will use us to do great things and will bring us through any difficult times we face.

Lord, thank you for being there for us and for having the ability to do so much more than we can even imagine. Please help us to turn to you first and to let others know the source of our strength and abilities. Amen.

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