Monday, October 26, 2015

Genesis 46:30 - Are you ready to die?

 Israel said to Joseph, “Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive.”

This phrase reminds me of my mother-in-law. She was so happy to see her son getting married, she said she could now die. Are we ready to die? For Joseph and my mother-in-law this may have just been an expression, but it's a good thing to think about. Are there things our life which are unsettled? Is there something we can to to settle them? Maybe we need to forgive someone or reunite with a family member. As a Christian, I hope to always be ready to die, to go home to my father. 

Lord, thank you for giving us hope of eternity with you. Please help us to be ready to die. Amen.

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